TEL 011 454 0606
Distributors of all makes of passenger, bus, truck and agricultural tyres.
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Price increases July 2023

Upcoming increases for July 2023:

Bandag has announced a price increase effective 1 July 2023.
Effective 1 July 2023 all Bandag re-treads and stock tyres will increase by 4.8 %.

Continental Tyres have moved their price increase to the 1st August 2023!

Ready for Action?

Providing top quality products and services in the passenger vehicle, bus, truck and agricultural markets since 1996.

We're here to help you select the best tyre for your pocket and peace of mind, call us on 011-454-0606.

011 454 0606
Meadowdale, Edenvale, Bedfordview, Germiston, Johannesburg
Established in 1996 in Meadowdale, Germiston.
cockpit tyres logo
Distributors of passenger, truck, bus and agricultural tyres.